OSCATS (Off Stage Camera Arts Theatre Seekers) is a unique, creative activity group for children from ages 9 to 13 led by Steph Toohill and Al Koop. Participants discover a growing sense of time, place, community and self through local stories, natural and cultural heritage, drama, creative movement and film-making. OSCATS kids gain insight and inspiration not only as contributors to group activities and improvisational projects but also through reflection, journaling, script-writing and doodling. As much as possible, these take place in the magical outdoors. Film-making has become an OSCATS hallmark during the past year. The group has completed many dramatic films for its own enjoyment, submitted more than a dozen clips on environment-related themes to the David Suzuki Foundation and won a CBC TV national contest for a short film titled “Elora Rocks”. In April of 2008, OSCATS was honoured at the Centre Wellington Chamber of Commerce Annual Gala with an Award of Excellence for their achievement in Arts and Culture. Current sessions held at the Elora Centre for the Arts every Tuesday at 4 p.m. For additional information please contact the Centre at 519-846- 9698 or email oldervoices@sympatico.ca.
What Lies Beneath
Do you enjoy stories of the past, joining in school plays or just putting on backyard skits for family and friends? This may be just the summer activity you have been waiting for. Al Koop who has been involved in historical walking tours and street theatre for the past four years will be offering creative activities for school children ages 7 to 15 years. Workshops will be held at the Elora Centre for the Arts (old Elora Public School) and at a variety of other historical sites in the village and along the Grand River. Under the topic of WHAT LIES BENEATH, kids will have the opportunity to discover the early characters of Elora, develop their own imaginary personas, create a play or write stories and songs. Several “spirits of the past” will make guest appearances offering stories, rants and songs of life in pioneer times. Come face-to-face with the likes Yankee Matthews, Sailor Jimmy Gairns, Professor Ritchie, the Town Crier, Jane Clarke and Elora’s dreaded “Banty Rooster”. Does the ghost of Robert Haig, the lame postmaster who fell victim to the “Banty Rooster”, still haunt Mill Street? Come and find out.
Hikes around town and along the gorge will reveal many secrets of the rocks and caves, the Natives peoples who lived in Elora (then known as Kandoucho), the first European family to rough it in the bush near the Tooth of Time and an Afro-Canadian family that wintered here before moving on to the Pierpoint Settlement just east of Fergus. Discover the mysteries of hidden places such as Hole-in-the-Rock, the Wampum Cave, Singing Waters and Demon’s Retreat. Is there any truth to the legend of the boy who never grew up and continues to live in the caves? The answer is yes, but he only communicates with other children.
A walk through the Elora’s pioneer graveyard will reveal more characters and stories of the early settlement. Paper rubbings will expose the mysterious names and dates on ancient grave markers hidden by decades of decay and mold. Beside them, the old growth forest monarchs whisper secrets of a time almost forgotten. Come and experience it.
Each workshop will include a rich mixture of storytelling, playing, acting, singing, writing, doodling, and discovery. Don’t miss it.
To register or to obtain more information call the Elora Centre for the Arts at 846-9698.